Wednesday, 27 May 2009

deadline tomorrow!

So i have my hand in tomorrow, a crit early next week.... and then all the time in the world to make this a beautiful little space...

i started a flickr, put photos of the finished coat up.

i tried to make that a link, but i don't think it worked.

check back soon for some interesting chats and beautiful pictures.

i need to go to bed before i drive myself crazy and do another unecessary illustration for the hand in tomorrow.

good night all

Thursday, 21 May 2009

sneak previews

Its been ages since i've had chance to blog about some wonderful things. Its been a busy busy time and deadlines are coming to an end at the beginning of June. This is only a quicky blog!

Coat is very nearly finished!
Had an initial shoot today, my first real one tomorrow!!
Started a flickr too... although it only has one photo at the min, a sneak preview the coat!
this will also be updated properly after hand ins and crits are finished.

i received a beautiful parcel today!! 

we had our briefing for final year as well!

i made some delightful leather buttons today, they are actually divine and look wonderful on my coat.
anyway! there are things to be done tonight.

until next time