Tuesday 14 April 2009

stage one

Everything is moving forward, slowly but things are improving non the less! I'm working on backgrounds etc. etc. computers are a bit to intense for me, i'd quite happily revert back to pigeon mail but sadly pigeons seems less than adequate to deliver messages... smoke signals are lost in smog, plastic cups and string just will not reach everyone, I love real post but a blog of real post wouldn't have the same impact. isn't the internet marvelous!?
so for now, my little blog space will grow bit by bit.

This is my first actual blog! I'll admit I got the inspiration to start writing from some wonderful friends. I don't want to get lost blogging all my activities because then I'll be lost in writing and not venturing!

The name Rainey Days came from a project I'm working on. It started off as a book, I love new sketchbooks, i find them really exciting! So anyway, a good few months ago now, I got my brief from Uni to be working on a Rain Coat. Maybe the most uninspiring brief, but hey hum... its there to play with. 
anyway, back to the point, I made a book, a rainy day book, like rainy day games,  playing inside, its a book of thoughts, and a record of images, ideas and then the concept grew! and now Rainey Days is storming ahead!! It has become a little theme for myself for some side projects to be discussed as they grow.

I feel like this has been a lot of chat, but then we do need some introductions. 
A new Rainey Day book is going to be started today, stage two of this Rainey Day Coat project. Must stop writing stories for now anyway and get on with the actual Coat, I'll add some photos of the coat so far another time. Its a whole different story!

until then, keep your toes dry!

love x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steph,

    If "computers are a bit to intense for" you just tell me :). Waiting for your photos..
    Keep going!
